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Trusted by thousands of gamers

Best Price

Our prices are the best in the market. If you find products cheaper elsewhere, we'll match it

24/7 Support

We provide round-the-clock support via live chat, support tickets, email, and Discord

Instant Delivery

For almost all of our products, you will instantly receive your order by email

Various Products

We have a wide variety of gaming products, ranging from items to accounts, and more


There's almost always a promotion running, helping you buy even more for far less


Unhappy with your purchase? We'll reimburse you with no questions asked

How it works

Make Payment

With over a dozen payment methods, ranging from PayPal and card payments to crypto, we support it all

Browse Products

Look around our website for the things you'd like to purchase, then go ahead and start with the purchase process

Receive Purchase

And finally, you receive the product you've purchased! For almost all of the products, this will be instant as well

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Frequently Asked Questions

Without a doubt! We've processed close to 200,000 orders since our launch back in November 2023

In almost all cases we do not. Our website has comprehensive measures in place to automatically block fraud attempts, which brings with it the convenience of almost never requiring our customers to go through the ID verification process

We support all of the popular payment methods. These include credit/debit card, PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, and even cryptocurrency payments in BTC, LTC, ETH, and more.

You can contact us on live chat in the bottom right, or alternatively send us an email found in the footer, or simply join our Discord server and create a support ticket there. Whichever option you go with, we strive to respond within minutes instead of days

Plus Gamers


Big Carrots, Inc.

123 Roadway Road

Verdant Valley